Thursday, May 22, 2008

Polygamists Exhonerated?

There is an interesting development in the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints case down in Texas. A judge has ruled that the state was wrong to seize all the children from the FLDS compound. The appeals court judge said that there was no evidence that the children were in immediate danger, which under Texas law is require to seize children without first going to court.

While I do not support polygamy, and recognize the FLDS, and indeed all branches of the LDS, as non-Christian, I am pleased with this ruling. The standard for taking children from their homes and their parents should be high.

Some years ago I was involved in a child custody case. The parent involved was a convicted sex offender and also was a drug user. Yet, child welfare was determined that this child be with the parent. Yet, at the same time they were harassing home school parents, for no other reason than that they were home schoolers. This experience has taught me that bureaucrats can't be trusted with our children. In fact, I would rather see a child with less than stellar parents with flaky ideas, than be victims of the state.

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