Thursday, June 12, 2008

More Issues Numbers that Don't add up

A couple weeks back the web sight was launched announcing that Todd Wilken and Jeff Schwarz were launching a new independent version of Issues, Etc. (Perhaps with a different name - that hasn't been made clear.) They also published a budget document. There budget for 2008 is under $400k. This includes renting a building, setting up a studio, buying all manner of equipment, salaries for Wilken & Schwarz, web sight and web streaming costs as well actual production costs for six or seven months. Yet, we are told that it cost about $1.2m to produce Issues's Etc. at KFUO. So why does it cost so much more for KFUO to do this? Maybe the issue wasn't Issues, but other mismanagement at KFUO.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, for one, will never believe it was money. For programs the top people love, the money never will run out! Imagine starting an entire new program from scratch for less money then it was claimed it cost to produce and run a program that already had the space, equipment, etc...